Laserfiche Support Requests
Make work fun with a virtual personal assistant from Laserfiche!
At OPG-3 our mission is to "make work fun by allowing people to focus on what they love to do and minimizing what they have to do." We do this by eliminating the tedious and repetitive tasks associated with collecting, managing and sharing your documents through integration and automation with Laserfiche.
Learn how more than 150 municipalities in the Upper Midwest have trusted us to transform their relationship with documents. By answering a couple questions about the documents you capture, they will be automatically:
Filed in the correct location with standardized naming conventions
Indexed using metadata synchronized with your other applications
OCRed and indexed so every page of every document is full text searchable
Assigned the appropriate records management rules
Public records are immediately available for public access through a portal
In many cases, we're able to build additional automation to make updates based on changes in other applications (like employee name changes) and automate most of the records management activities (like cutting off records) based on those changes.
The end result is that you spend less time doing data entry while improving access to information and automating compliance with record keeping rules. Join us for a 20 minute webinar to see how we can simplify your life in 2022!