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Municipal Infrastructure Solutions

Site license for populations over 10,000

Laserfiche has been developing content management and process automation solutions for more than 30 years with the goal of making the technology and toolsets utilized by large organizations accessible to all municipalities regardless of size, technical infrastructure, or available IT resources. 


With Laserfiche site licenses for municipalities with populations over 10,000, Laserfiche offers a comprehensive, cloud-native or self-hosted content services platform that has been described as “best in class” by Gartner research at a cost normally associated with departmental solutions. This special packaging includes: 


  • Full Business User licenses for all full time staff and Participant User licenses for all part-time/seasonal staff

  • Laserfiche Cloud or self-hosted repository with document imaging, document management and Department of Defense (DoD 5015.2) certified records management functionality 

  • Process Automation suite including web forms, workflow, and integration capabilities 

  • Document capture and processing tools including Laserfiche Scanning, Laserfiche Quick Fields and Laserfiche Import agent with email archival functionality 

  • Public interfaces for sharing documents and making web forms available online to collect information and start processes 

  • Out-of-the-box integration tools including MS Office, Laserfiche Connector and Laserfiche SDK 

Municipal Infrastructure package from OPG-3

Document Collections

The Municipal Infrastructure menu solutions are designed to provide the document and records management foundation that must be in place before more advanced process automation and integration solutions are implemented. As such, the solutions are focused on the "document collections" that are most critical to municipal organizations from the perspective of traditional business operations, collaboration between departments and compliance with legislation regarding public records accessibility and record keeping. These collections include: 


  • Clerk/Admin Documents - these are documents that are required to be made publicly accessible and/or critical to municipal operations. Documents in this collection typically include: 

  • Meeting Agendas 

  • Meeting Minutes 

  • Ordinances and Resolutions 

  • Commission Reports and supporting documentation 

  • Contracts and supporting documentation 

  • Configure public portal for anonymous public access to select document types (Cloud deployment only) 

  • Purchasing/Transactional Documents - these are documents that are required to provide transparency at the transaction level and must be kept in the event of an audit. Documents in this collection typically include: 

  • Purchasing documents such as purchase orders, approval emails or contracts 

  • Invoices and proof or receipt 

  • Checks or ACH stubs 

  • Reconciliation reports 

  • Personnel Documents - these are documents related to current and former full and part-time/seasonal employees. The management of personnel files requires a comprehensive set of document types governed by specific rules regarding privacy and access. Documents in this collection typically include: 

  • Onboarding documentation 

  • Documentation related to completion of trainings and policy acknowledgements 

  • Performance related documents 

  • OSHA related documents if JHA rules apply 

  • Benefits related documents 

  • Tax and payroll related documents 

  • Address-based Documents - these are documents that are tied to a specific property or address and typically include documents created and shared across multiple departments. By using address (or Property ID) as the anchor, OPG-3 can build a file plan that incorporates several types of documents from multiple departments within an organizational context everyone understands. Documents in this collection typically include: 

  • Building plans and inspection reports 

  • Permits and supporting documentation 

  • Licenses and supporting documentation 

  • Code enforcement documents 

  • Assessment documents 

  • Fire inspections and investigations 

  • Project Documents - these are documents that are tied to active projects and often include document types that will end up in other collections (Address-based Documents in particular) once the project is complete. Documents in this collection typically include: 

  • Purchasing related documents such as RFP, contract, and project governance (SOW) documents 

  • Engineering drawings and supporting documents 

  • Permitting/Inspection related documents 

  • Deliverables tied to payment milestones 

Solution Components

The components of the Municipal Infrastructure menu solution include: 


  • Multi-channel, streamlined document capture strategies 

  • Document filing workflows that build and manage the file plan in Laserfiche automatically 

  • Business processes to trigger records management actions automatically 

  • Management form that provides the ability to add document types or modify the file plan components of existing document types 


Multi-channel, streamlined document capture strategies 

The process of capturing and indexing documents will be standardized and streamlined as much as possible. Multi-channel capture means the process for capturing documents will be the same for scanning, importing or printing documents into the repository. The process will be streamlined by using "dynamic fields" that automatically fill in based on the information provided. OPG-3 will work with the municipality to identify data sources that can be used to drive the dynamic fields and the goal is to require two questions (document type and what it relates to) to be answered from filtered drop-down lists. Utilizing data sources from other application provides the benefit of synchronized data with Laserfiche which helps with integration and process automation processes that may be implemented in the future. 


Document filing workflows that build and manage the file plan in Laserfiche automatically 

The file plan in a Laserfiche repository consists of the folder structure, document name, metadata and records management properties (cutoff rules, retention period and final disposition). Laserfiche workflow will utilized the metadata provided through the streamlined document capture process to build and managed the components of the file plan automatically. The result is a well-structured repository with standardized components which is especially helpful when managing documents shared by multiple departments. 


Business processes to trigger records management activities automatically 

Updates that impact the management of records (such as employment status or name change) are usually recorded in other applications. When the data from those applications is used to populate the dynamic fields used in the capture process, business processes can be configured to update existing documents based on changes automatically. Those processes can update folder and document names as well as metadata values and trigger records management activities such as setting event dates and cutting off records to begin the retention period. 


Management form that provides the ability to add document types or modify the file plan components of existing document types 

The "Management form" for the solution is built using Laserfiche Forms and is a dynamic web form that will allow designated users to: 


  • Modify file plan components of existing document types such as naming convention, folder structure and retention schedule 

  • Add new document types to an existing document collection and set up their file plan components including folder structure, naming convention and retention schedule 

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