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Modernize the way you capture and manage student records

  • Are you managing student files according to the records management rules you're compelled to follow?​

  • Would life be easier if you had a system to keep track of things for you and automate actions when student status changes?

  • Would you like to automate student-centric processes such as registration, free and reduced lunch application, athletic participation, etc.?


OPG-3 has developed a templated solution framework that:

  • Streamlines document capture using dynamic indexing tied to your student information system

  • Automatically classifies documents based on document type

  • Builds and manages the file plan - hierarchical folder structure, standardized document naming, metadata schema and records management properties - in Laserfiche automatically

  • Updates file plan automatically based on changes of name and enrollment status


The Student Records Infrastructure menu solution is a critical first step in transforming your relationship with your employees.

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